DILLION Family Genealogy-History

(Updated April 12, 2024)


Individual Data

Unknown Newspaper
July 1920

Mrs. Abbie Hubbard, aged 43 years, wife of Sherman Hubbard, died Sunday morning at her home in Plumwood after an illness of three months with tuberculosis of the stomach.

The husband and four children survive.

Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church in Plumwood conducted by Reverend J. P. McNeilan.

Burial in the Plumwood cemetery.

Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Abe Ball and Mrs. Douglas Sherwood, of this place, and formerly lived in Plain City.

Unknown Newspaper
July 1920

Funeral Services of Mrs. Sherman Hubbard were held at the M. E. Church in Plumwood, Tuesday, and were largely attended.

Mrs. Hubbard passed away last Sunday morning, survived by her husband, three sons and a daughter.

She was a daughter of Nelson Shepherd. Reverend McNeilan conducted the services.


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